woensdag 8 mei 2013

What Patricia wrote: 'What Dawid Knew'

From the pen of the remarkable adventurer Patricia Glyn, author of Footing with Sir Richard’s Ghost and Off Peak, comes the true story of Bushman Dawid Kruiper and his family; What Dawid Knew: A Journey with the Kruipers:
“You see, Mama, I told the truth. And so did my grandpa. It’s the last time before I die that I can show my descendants the truth about what happened here. Now I can rest.” – Dawid Kruiper to Patricia Glyn
Dawid Kruiper was an old Bushman with a secret that had been kept in his family for over a century, and which he wanted to hand on to his sons before he died. But he didn’t have the means to take his children back to the place where his grandfather had witnessed the horror that silenced him.
So Dawid asked Patricia Glyn to help him mount the great – and final – odyssey of his life. For two months in 2011, three generations of the Kruiper family, Patricia and her expedition crew travelled through the Kalahari, visiting and documenting places where Dawid and his forebears had roamed when they were ‘wild’ and free in the decades before the outsiders arrived in their homeland. And their journey culminated in Dawid releasing his secret to the world.
This is the story of how Patricia’s assumptions about and relationships with the Kruiper family were tested to the limit before they trusted her with their knowledge and stories. Patricia slowly gains an understanding of the depth of the Kruipers’ pain after centuries of genocide, prejudice and dispossession. The result is a candid but compassionate account of how this historical trauma manifests in the everyday lives of a contemporary Bushman family.
Patricia describes what she learned from the family about humankind’s original relationship with wilderness and the natural world. She recounts the Kruipers’ extraordinary veld knowledge and intuition, their inbuilt GPS and prescience.
This is an eco-adventure with a difference. What Dawid Knew explores the personal history and heritage of a remarkable family and what the Bushmen have to teach us about respect for, and responsible management of, our natural resources.

donderdag 18 april 2013


Samantha Skyring van Oryx Desert Salt deed een mooi voorstel om de projecten van Kalahari Dreamworks te steunen. Vanaf nu kan iedereen die wil bijdragen, het uitzonderlijk zuivere gourmet zout uit de Kalahari woestijn aankopen. De winst gaat integraal naar de bouw van huizen voor de tradionele Khomani San familie 'Kruiper'.

Wie wil kan bestellen: stuur een mailtje naar karl@leeuwendal.co.za

zondag 7 april 2013

vrijdag 29 maart 2013

'Must Read' book before visiting Botswana.

Diamonds, Dispossession & Democracy in Botswana

Jacana Media, 2008 - 182 pagina's
Kenneth Good was professor of politics at the University of Botswana when he was expelled from the country. Here, he argues that Botswana's diamonds should be used to diversify the economy and reduce poverty. He also examines the dispossesion of the Bushmen, and the government's grip on power.

This book wipes the lustre off Africa's sparkling success story, Botswana. Through the pages of a relatively slim volume, Australian Professor Kenneth Good, who was declared an ‘Undesirable Immigrant' and deported from Botswana in June 2005, painstakingly unearths a different reality to this much-vaunted case of African exceptionalism. Good is no crude Afro-pessimist. At the time of his expulsion he had lived and taught in Botswana for 14 years and evinces a deep affection for the country, but an equally deep antipathy for its political leadership, which borders on the visceral. From the perspective of the government of Botswana, the feeling is mutual. Yet this book is no polemical exercise. During his tenure at the University of Botswana, Good earned a reputation as a critical, yet rigorous, scholar and despite his politics being to the left of many of his students, he was widely respected as an academic and teacher.
Good's devastating analysis of the pathologies of Botswana is based on a number of formulations. The first is the role of diamonds (which he terms an ‘inherently fraudulent commodity') and more particularly the relationship between De Beers and the Botswanan government. Botswana's diamond deposits are the most lucrative on earth. Indeed, the original Orapa mine was so profitable that De Beers was able to recover its investment within two years of the mine opening. To its credit, the Botswanan government had the gumption to raise its shareholding in Debswana from 15% to 50% and to force a dividend policy that maximised revenues to its fiscus. Good contends that the very lucrativeness of Botswana's diamond industry and the corporatist relationship forged with De Beers, serves as a disincentive to economic diversification and political accountability. Indeed, De Beers is portrayed by Good as co-conspirator in much that is odious in Botswana.
Yet it could be argued that this quintessential corporatist relationship has, in fact, provided the very platform for Botswana's economic growth and stability. This is in stark contrast to the criminal and illicit practices in Angola, Sierra Leone and the DRC, which fuelled the global trade in blood diamonds. Moreover, far from suffering from the resources curse, Botswana is a functioning and peaceful state that has an unbroken history of free and fair elections combined with the highest economic growth rates globally for the three decades since its independence in 1966. So where's the problem?
For Good, the devil is in the detail. Yes, the macro economic and political data make for textbook reading, yet scratching beneath the statistical overburden reveals less than alluring facets to the Botswanan political economy. For example, Botswana exhibits higher levels of inequality than all other African countries save for Lesotho and Namibia. For the period 1993-2003, some 50% of the Botswanan population lived on less than US$2 per day. Recently the country's Human Development Index was placed lower than Myanmar/Burma. Unemployment remains persistently high at between 24%-40% and most devastatingly, at 40% of the adult population, Botswana suffers from the world's highest HIV infection rates.
The power of presidentialism and single party dominance is the second pillar of Botswana's malady according to Good. Presidents have the power to nominate their successor in Botswana and while this has ensured that the country avoids the fissile conflicts of South African presidential succession races, it also means that its democracy is locked into a formulaic, attenuated and elite-controlled configuration. All presidents come in for a pasting from Good, but Ian Khama, son of founding President Sir Seretse Khama, is regarded with particular suspicion. We read that Khama's political pedigree is buttressed by military loyalty and his personality is under-girded by an innate authoritarian intolerance of the messiness of democracy. Alarmingly too, Good warns of the growing power of the military and intelligence services in Botswana.
There's more. In a sharp poke in the eye of Botswana's exemplary anti-corruption stance and reputation, Good documents and probes a number of financially corrupt contracts and practices at the heart of government and the political elite, few, if any, of which, have been successfully prosecuted.
Given the title of the book, understandably, the government's illegal treatment of the Kalahari Basarwa (San) is discussed in detail. The government's approach to the Basarwa was portended by Seretse Khama's use of the term Remote Area Dwellers to describe the first nation of the Kalahari. For Festus Mogae the Basarwa were ‘stone age creatures who were doomed to die out like the dodo if they failed to fall in with official plans for their development'. For Good, the treatment of the Basarwa is acutely symptomatic of a deep ethnic chauvinism that abounds in Botswana and which re-enforces the demonstrably false and dangerous notion of national homogeneity.
The final chapter of the book is a highly personalised blow-by-blow account of the events leading up to Good's deportation from Botswana. The timing and manner of his deportation lend personal credence to the author's analytical contention that, beneath the veneer of formal democratic practice, lurks a ruling elite and polity that has yet to embrace the values of liberal democracy, most particularly those of tolerance and freedom of speech. Good repeatedly terms the Botswanan regime ‘vindictive' and points to the fact that he was forced to leave behind his teenaged and dependent daughter in Botswana.
This book is not balanced, nor is it meant to be, as it oscillates between analysis and advocacy. Insufficient credit is given to the government of Botswana and De Beers for the raft of achievements in, for example, healthcare, education, and infrastructure. While for Good, the failure to attract foreign direct investment is symptomatic of a government and ruling party bereft of innovation and ideas, this rather simplistic condemnation fails to account for the reality that, despite its generous investment incentives, Botswana is a developing Southern African country of less than two million people, with a tiny domestic market and is contiguous with an economic behemoth that sucks in much of the foreign direct investment channelled to sub-Saharan Africa.
Yet while the book may not charm lovers of Alexander McCall Smith, it is an important case study that contributes significantly to our understanding of some of the challenges of good governance and development in Africa, even amongst the ‘success stories'.
Tim Hughes is Head of the South African Institute of International Affairs' Governance of Africa's Resources Programme based in Cape Town

donderdag 28 maart 2013

Mandela terug in ziekenhuis met longinfectie.

De vroegere president van Zuid-Afrika Nelson Mandela werd vannacht iets voor middernacht in allerijl naar het ziekenhuis gevoerd naar aanleiding van een weerkerende longontsteking. 

In december had hij nog 18 dagen in het hospitaal doorgebracht voor het behandelen van galstenen en ook dan een longinfectie.

Mandela trok zich in 1999 terug uit de politieke schijnwerpers, maar bleef achter de schermen wel actief. Zo kon hij lange tijd grote invloed uitoefenen op de partij-top van het ANC, de grootste partij van Zuid-Afrika en hij stichtte  de Nelson Mandela Foundation om zijn levenswerk verder te zetten. Al heel snel drukte hij ook publiekelijk z’n spijt uit dat hij niet eerder werk had gemaakt van het aids-probleem dat Zuid-afrika en de rest van het continent aan het verteren was en is. Hij startte meteen een aidsprogramma en werkte mee aan sensibilisering onder de naam 46664 , genoemd naar het celnummer op Robbeneiland waar Mandela 18 van zijn 27 jaren opsluiting doorbracht.

Mandela mag dan wel bijna 95 zijn, hij is nog steeds onwaarschijnlijk populair bij jong en oud.
Ik zag hem in april 2008 op de universiteit van Stellenbosch tijdens de uitreiking van een eredoctoraat aan z’n vrouw, Graca Machel – en daar heb ik zelf kunnen meemaken hoe een menigte van honderden studenten rechtveerde toen Mandela de aula binnenkwam en minutenlang applaudiseerde met een enthousiast geroep en getier.
Zelfs voor iemand van boven de 90 blijft hij een enorme indruk maken, vooral wanner hij lacht. Z’n ogen hebben nog altijd een soort guitige levendigheid die eerder past bij iemand die een halve eeuw jonger is. 
Hij blijft natuurlijk die uitzonderlijke leider, een ikoon van de wereldgeschiedenis die van Zuid-Afrika een non-raciaal democatrisch land maakte zonder bloedvergieten – waar iedereen zo bang van was – en bovendien heeft hij zich een meester tacticus getoont die alle partijen en zelfs gezworen tegenstanders kon overtuigen om dezelfde kar te duwen. Hij wist ook precies hoe zich om te vormen van een rol van verzetsstrijder naar martelaar tot diplomaat en staatsman. En dat is een krachttoer waar heel veel wereldleiders vandaag nog altijd inspiratie uit halen. Ook voor Afrika zelf is hij een stichtend voorbeeld – iemand die heel bewust de macht afgaf na z’n eerste termijn van presidentsschap terwijl niemand het vreemd of erg zou vinden dat hij dat z’n leven lang zou gedaan hebben. In de politieke geschiedenis van afrika is het uitzonderlijk dat een populaire leider vrijwillig opzijstapt en plaatst maakt voor opvolgers, denken we maar aan Mugabe, Mobutu, Khadafi enz…

In 2004 trok Mandela zich terug uit het publieke leven en was hij nog maar sporadisch te zien. Tijdens het WK voetbal in 2010 verscheen hij onverwacht tijdens de finalewedstrijd. Iedereen was verrukt!

Er zijn natuurlijk altijd mensen die zich luidop afvragen : wat na Mandela ? Maar dat liedje begint wat afgezaagd te klinken, want dat duurt nu al bijna 20 jaar.
Het is in elk geval duidelijk dat Mandela een bijna bovenmenselijke status heeft bereikt die hem zo goed als zeker onsterfelijk zal maken.

vrijdag 15 februari 2013

Oom Buks All Right

Message from Patricia Glyn:

I have just received news from the Kalahari that Andrew Gouws (the manager of Upington Spar) and his brother have just visited Buks Kruiper and his family at Witdraai.  

The Kruipers felt that they'd been treated with dignity and respect during the meeting, that there had been no effort by the Gouwses to deny what had happened in their store, and that the brothers were genuinely apologetic and sincere.  They were appalled by the poverty-stricken circumstances in which they found Buks and want to do everything they can to ameliorate his living conditions. They also want to ensure that he gets the best possible medical treatment.

Buks returned to Upington with the Gouwses and will be put up in a B&B tonight.  Tomorrow he will see a doctor and then a decision will be made as to how to proceed with his treatment.  Should he need to go to Johannesburg, Buks will catch the same flight as Phillipa on Friday evening (which she has already booked). If not, he will be driven back to his home and will then come to Jhb for his cataract operation with Toppie and Jon, as arranged by Richard Gordon.

The pro bono team at Bowmans have been fabulous and are agreed that we should hold off on any legal action pending how things pan out.

So, for now I think our old friend is being well cared for and I will keep you all in the loop as things unfold.

Thank you for all your suggestions, help and support.  I continue to hope that this appalling incident will have a silver lining for the Khomani community and particularly for Oom Buksie.

Patricia Glyn

vrijdag 8 februari 2013

BUKS Kruiper mishandeld in Supermarkt

San man strung up and beaten

NATURAL HABITAT: Buks Kruiper in the Kalahari dunes with his granddaughter Samara. The picture was taken recently during the filming of A Bushmen Odyssey about the Kruiper family. He has laid a charge of assault against a supermarket security guard. Photo: Grant Ashfield/Onetime Flims
Melanie Gosling
BUKS Kruiper, 70, the brother of the late Khomani San leader, Dawid Kruiper, was handcuffed and strung up in the “helicopter” torture position by a supermarket security guard in Upington after being accused of stealing a packet of chips.
The guard then punched and kicked him. Afterwards, he took out his cellphone and photographed the bleeding man hanging from the door railing.
Yesterday, speaking in Afrikaans on a friend’s cellphone, Kruiper told the Cape Times: “My hands are still dead. They feel cold.”
Kruiper is working with Richard Wicksteed on a film and with Patricia Glyn on a book about the Kruiper family.
Glyn, friend Lisa van As and Kruiper went into the Spar on Monday where Glyn bought all of them packets of chips. Kruiper put his in his pocket, Glyn paid and they left the shop. Once outside they realised Kruiper was not with them.
Glyn and Van As searched the shop and the streets, and half an hour later returned to the Spar. Staff told them Kruiper had been arrested for shoplifting.
He emerged from a room in the back of the shop with blood on his shirt, a black eye and a cut on his forehead. There was blood on the security guard’s trousers. 
“It took a long time for Buks to be brought to me, during which time the manager’s son took some paper towel to him and told him to clean himself up. The guard was instructed to clean the blood from the floor with a mop,” Glyn said. 
Kruiper told her that the security guard had taken him to a back room, handcuffed his hands behind his back and then used a rope around the handcuffs to hoist him up and hang from the top of a door railing.
“He punched and kicked Buks brutally. When he left, Buks asked the butchery women to please let him down but they were terrified and said they couldn’t.”
She said Kruiper weighed under 50kg and the guard was twice his size. Glyn had a “heated exchange” with the Spar owner, Maria Gouws, who offered to pay his medical expenses. 
“Initially Buks didn’t want to press charges, but now he has laid a charge of assault. It was shocking. These people have suffered for generations from abuse from all races.”Gouws condemned the assault yesterday, and said she had immediately phoned the security company, Hencor, to say she did not want the guard in her shop.
She was not on the shop floor when the incident happened, but her son had found Kruiper in the back. Gouws said the store did keep handcuffs, but not ropes, so Kruiper could not have been hanging. If someone was caught shoplifting, they were taken to the back and handcuffed until the police arrived.
“We have to handcuff them or they run away. But I did not agree with what (the guard) did. Spar is innocent in this. We hire the guards from a security company and they get changed every few days. I phoned his boss and said I did not want him in in the store and 10 minutes later one of his superiors came and took him away,” Gouws said. Eddie Cheshishiku, the owner of Hencor Security, said he had suspended the guard after he heard about the incident.
“I spoke to him and he said he did it by mistake. It was not good what he did,” Cheshishiku said. He would interview the guard thoroughly when he returned to Upington today and decide what action to take. Captain Jaques September of the Upington police confirmed that Kruiper had laid a charge. The matter was being investigated, and no arrests had been made.